How many times have you said to yourself (make sure you're honest),
“There is no way I can do that!
Why do bad things always happen to me?
I will never meet a decent guy because...
I will never get fit and healthy because...
I will always be this way because its.....
I will never be happy until I hit a certain number on the scales...”
Do you find yourself making excuses for why you can't do things in life?
Do you find yourself playing the victim because you have always thought that way and don't know how to think another way?
I have said all of the above! Believe me, I have come up with every excuse in the book for why I shouldn't do something or how I could get out of doing something!
I used to constantly tell myself that nobody understood and that they just didn’t get it.
No one understood why my eating disorder was the way it was.
No one understood that I had to make excuses that I couldn’t exercise because I worked full time and had kids.
I believed I couldn't get where I wanted to with work, as my ADHD stopped me from focusing.
I told myself I would never meet a good guy, as I seemed to always go for exactly the same types!
I would always see things as an uphill battle and I was constantly fighting against myself!
However, I was the only one who was putting myself in this position!
I would choose to wake up and see things this way and be the victim of my own circumstances, rather than take control of what was going on in my life.
One day I woke up and realised that I had the choice to make small changes to my life and make it a happier place to be!
We can tell ourselves day after day why we can't do something, but you know what? All we are doing is reinforcing this to ourselves making it harder to make that change.
One of my favourite quotes is,
" You have no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago."
Every single moment of every single day is a chance to start over and be the person you want to be.
Having spoken with some of you, I know that is how you feel, so that’s why I am excited to tell you that I have broadened my team and have brought on a lifestyle and confidence coach who will be supporting all my ladies with:
Mindset work
Mental health work
Confidence work
Teaching YOU how to love the person you are!
(I will be posting a blog by this amazing lady at the end of the week.)
Do YOU ...
Want to start exercising again?
Want to feel happy and confident within yourself?
Feel happy and healthy?
Have a good relationship with food and exercise so you can get the results you want?
Now is the time.
REPLY with ‘I am in’ to get more details of my amazing programme.
You get to decide how your life turns out, sometimes you just need a little extra help!
NOW is your time,
With love