It is your first trimester, you may be feeling like crap, that is ok.
First and foremost do not beat yourself up for not keeping active or eating bags of crisps if its the only thing you can stomach.
However, if you are feeling good within yourself, it's great to keep active!
Why do I encourage all my clients who are pregnant to keep active during their pregnancy?
I tell all my clients and those who come to me for advice that it is an extremely positive thing to keep active during your pregnancy. If you have been exercising beforehand you can continue to do this, however please take on the following advice.
If you have a high-risk pregnancy, speak with your doctor or your midwife before performing any sort of activity.
When it comes to exercising:
• Be careful not to overheat when training
• Try to avoid contact sports
• Listen to your body, you know how much you can push yourself and stop if you feel uncomfortable or something doesn't feel right
• Keep fluids in. Exercising can lead to sweating, so make sure you have a drink and keep hydrated throughout your activity
• Ensure you warm up and warm down In the first trimester, you may be feeling tired and prone to feeling faint when getting up due to low blood pressure, this is normal but just be aware of it when you are training.
You may feel tired, sick or both and that you really don't have the energy to do anything. If that is the case, PLEASE do not beat yourself up about it.
Hitting the gym, or doing a home workout may be the last thing on your mind - even if you can't face doing that try and get outside and go for a gentle walk, go swimming or try Yoga and go at your own pace.
As I mentioned before in a previous blog, I was one of those annoying people who did not experience any symptoms, which can be stressful in itself but if you do feel run down and tired there isn't a lot you can do about it, unfortunately. You just have to keep faith that as the time goes on you will get better.
I have a friend Carly who is currently pregnant and cannot keep anything down bless her.
Her food has consisted of toast and more toast; if this is you just know that it will get better, just hang in there.
For those of you who have exercised prior to finding out you were pregnant, you can still continue to do so, with some slight modifications.
Always ensure that you warm up and down, this is essential for you, and should be a mixture of a gentle walk and stretching. The hormone Relaxin will also start to come into effect, making you more flexible so it is important not to overstretch past your normal range of motion during exercises.
I hope this has brought you a little peace of mind, as always do not hesitate to get in touch if you want any additional advice.
Lydia Rees Fitness x